
by Robert Winkel

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27 July 2002 - I've been a very naughty boy!  I haven't updated in ages, and I haven't given any explanations what-so-ever.  Well, with the amount of emails praising my comic and asking what has happened to me, I thought I should at least tell you if there is any chance of more comics.  Well, there is a chance!  I fully intend to continue the comic, but I can't really say when.  I suppose the answer to "when?" is "when I get enough time".  Basically I've got some professional and personal things to sort out.  So don't give up!  L8r

18 November 2001 - If you want to know the answer to the riddle in today's comic, then vote for me, and then email me - only then will I tell you :) If you think you know the answer, then you can email me too. Just be sure to vote! I managed to get to number 50 sometime last week. I'll orgasm if I manage to get in the top 40 or so.
Also, I just added a link to Pocket Theater. I like it - it's different and I can follow the plot - which is quite novel for me.

28 October 2001 - I added another link today... I was cruising through various sprite-based comics on the web, and came across a pearler! It is pretty unique - it is based (mostly) on 1st-person shoot-em-up sprites from the game "Doom"! The guy who writes it should be locked up - his mind is just plain warped. I love it! Also, the comic is updated very regularly. Check it out, it's called "Planet of the Imps".
New comic will show up automagically on the 29th. Remember to vote for me :P
Oooh! I just looked. Some people are actually voting for me! I am number 127 on the list. Wonders will never cease!

27 October 2001 - OK, hopefully this message pops up automatically. This is the first time I have created a HTML page a few days before it should be automatically picked up by Keenspace. Fingers crossed!
Today's strip is dedicated to Oktoberfest! For those of you who don't know: Oktoberfest is a huge German festival - full of German food, and (more importantly) lots of beer!!! That's why I'm putting this comic up in advance, because there is no way I'll be about to type with a beer stein in my hand...
Postscript: Well, my auto HTML page attempt sort of worked, but didn't really. It ended up putting one HTML inside the other, sort of like a frame. Anyway, I've fixed that.

24 October 2001 - This Sprite Dropdown is pretty cool! I've found some other good sprite comics like Farmboy, Magi Industries, and Ephemeral Reality. Also, because they are linking back to me, my hits are going up! Yay! Speaking of which - vote for me if you have time! Stay happy.

21 October 2001 - Now that I'm working and studying, my comic creating priority has been lowered somewhat. I will try my best though! In the meantime I hope to placate my many, many fans (yeah right!) with some swimsuit edition fillers.
Also, if anybody is interested in doing fan-art, linking to me, getting me to do guest appearances of some of your comic characters (or vice-versa), or anything else of the cross-over comic type nature, then let me know. I'll be more than willing!
And a big hello and thanks to Farmboy, the first comic to refer to my own. Cheers!

26 September 2001 - Wow, feedback isn't just a myth! I received my first feedback today, and it was positive. I was just about to give up putting "Ah, Peegee!" on the web since I thought that nobody really gave a poop about my comic, but "it only takes one person to make a difference", and so I will continue with it for the time being.
As you can see, I had a hard time thinking of how Hamlet could "level up", so today's comic is what I came up with. At least he has some firepower now. That's always fun.

13 September 2001 - Good day to you all (well, maybe not considering what has happened - but let's not talk about that). I loved creating "Ah, Peegee!", and hope to continue it. But it would REALLY be good to have some feedback. Pleeeeeeeeease?! That would really give me a good reason to keep my comic going. So let me know!

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